Lifestyle at Waterline Place

Three top tips on how to stay positive & healthy during COVID-19.

During this unprecedented time, as many of us are stuck at home away from the people we love, we find ourselves facing challenges we never imagined we would come across in our lifetime. With so much time in isolation, it’s important to stay positive and healthy by finding things to make us smile every day. Here are our top tips and tricks to keep you smiling!

1. Maintain connections with loved ones

The next best thing to human contact is staying connected virtually with close family and friends. We are so lucky to have a number of platforms at our disposal in 2020 that make staying connected easy. Apps such as Zoom, Skype, Houseparty and Facetime are perfect for catching up with your loved ones, whether it be a virtual happy hour with friends or daily chats with work colleagues. Once you have found what works for you, set a time in your diary to catch up and keep it up – social interaction is so important while we’re all so far apart! 

2. Set a routine

While in social isolation, it is important to try and maintain as much normality in our day-to-day lives by following a routine that mimics a normal day. For instance – if you typically commute to work, get out bed at your usual time and go for a morning walk to grab a coffee, then start your day at the same time you usually would. If you are used to going to the gym after work, get on your running gear instead and hotfoot it around the streets or your local oval in order for both your mind and body to stay active.  Most importantly, however, don’t feel guilty if your routine doesn’t fall in to place straight away. We’re all doing the best we can under these strange and challenging circumstances!

3. Have fun!

In a new world where social gatherings and outside activities are no longer an option, it’s important to find new ways to inject a bit of fun into your social life. Figure out what you enjoy the most by experimenting with different activities - anything from cooking to crosswords; writing a blog or reading a book! What better time to pick up a new hobby? Remember that staying home can be just as fun and productive as going out – you just have to be creative!