Contractor Inductions.
Contractor WHS Induction.
We are committed to providing healthy and safe workplaces for all our employees, contractors and visitors.
Our Contractor Induction covers important details about working on an AVJennings construction site and must be completed by each individual prior to commencing work on our sites. Please work through the induction at your own pace, and pay close attention to the information presented. It shouldn't take any longer than 20 minutes to complete.
You'll receive a certificate upon the successful completion of your induction which will be valid for 12 months. Please keep a record of this and present it to your AVJennings site representative when asked.
Click on your state below to complete our contractor induction.
If you have any questions regarding the AVJennings Contractor Induction, please contact your AVJennings site representative or email: safety@avjennings.com.au.