
Halloween Competition 2024.

Our Spook-tacular Halloween Competition is back!

17 October 2024

Get ready for another year of spooky fun! Our Halloween Competition is back, and we're giving away a $250 AVJennings eGift card to one lucky Cadence resident!*

We’re looking for the creepiest costumes or the most haunted house on the street!

How to Enter:

1. Decorate your home or dress up in the spirit of Halloween.

2. Capture your Halloween creation in a photo or short video.

3. Post your entry on Facebook or Instagram:

  • On Facebook:

    • Tag @avjenningslimited and use the competition hashtag #AVJHalloween2024.

    • Make sure your account is public. If it’s private, post your entry in the comments of our competition post on your AVJennings community Facebook page.

  • On Instagram:

    • Tag @avjennings_ltd and use the competition hashtag #AVJHalloween2024.

    • Make sure your profile is set to public for the competition duration so we can see your entry.

4. Remember to tell us what community you are from.

Our Halloween competition is open to residents in Cadence Ripley. Competition closes Wednesday, 6 November.

*Terms and conditions apply.